consumable 0 Likes 441 Views Bed PanBlood Collection Tubes 2.5ML _ 5ML Push Cap- Round Bottom-K3EDTABlood Collection Tubes for Single UseBlue Color Elastic Crepe BandageChemo Containerconforming_bandageDisposable _ thumb scalpel -3Female CatheterFilm island dressingFOLEY BALLOON CATHETERHypodermic NeedleIncontinence DiapersIncontinence Protective Pull Up BriefInfusion Set – IV SetInsulin Pen NeedleIV Regulator setMeasured Volume SetMicroscope SlideMic-T Micro blood collectionOpen Woven Gauze BandagesOrdinary LancingOxygen MaskPE WoundplastPetri DishesPharmaceutical ContainerPlastic Universal ContainersPolyneo IV CannulaPU WoundplastSafety IV Cannula with wings and with Injection portScrew Cap Paediatric Blood Collection Tubes 0.5ml to 1.3mlSharps ContainerSuction Tube for Nose Disposable(ENT Instruments)Syringe 3PSyringe 5mlTransfer PipetteTwo pc closed daily pouchTYA02 50ml Conical Centrifuge TubeUrine culture bottleUrology DisposablesWOUND CLOSURE TRAY 1WOUND CLOSURE TRAY